Why We’re So Obsessed With Sterilising Our Lash Tools

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If you ever arrive to your Lash Spa appointment slightly early, you’ll notice that between every client we have a few practices that we NEVER skip doing…

The first is…

Changing the head linen between each client

At The Lash Spa, we are obsessed with hygiene and think it’s just plain wrong when you go somewhere for a treatment and find that the linen hasn’t been changed. I’ve even felt uneasy at the doctor’s office when the paper lining has already been sitting on the table before I walk into a room (I’m a bit of a germaphobe, but assume I’m not the only one).

sterilised lash salon

If you take a closer look when you’re at our salon, you’ll notice a basket of crumpled used towels in every treatment room and stacks of freshly washed towels ready to go. Our clients never have to worry about hygiene with us!

We TRIPLE steriliser our lash tools

The other thing we always do, every single time WITHOUT fail is triple sterilise our lash tools (tweezers, scissors etc).

Sterilisation station lash spa

Working with eyes is very precarious and we never want to risk our client’s eye health by using unclean tools. We know that some salons cut corners when it comes to this stuff because it’s quicker and easier to not bother following a strict process – but our clients trust us and we would never let them down.

We have figured out a way to triple sterilise our tools efficiently. We have multiple sets of tools for every lash technician.

Between each client, we take the used tools to our solution of Barbacide (the disinfectant solution used by barbers and cosmetologists for sanitising grooming tools such as combs and hair-cutting shears).

The tools are soaked in the Barbacide until any bacteria or germs have been eradicated. Then we go the extra mile by submerging the tools in boiling water. After they have been submerged for long enough to kill bacteria, we place them in a UV steriliser which is turned on for a further 60 minutes.

Brow Waxing Station

We also use alcohol to clean any dried glue from the tweezers so that they’re always crisp, fresh and ready to go.

When it comes to the wax for our brow sculpting – we NEVER ever double dip our spatulas in the wax.

The Lash Spa salon is cleaned daily by our staff and then we have a deep clean done once per week by a professional commercial cleaning company. We believe cleanliness and a great customer experience go hand in hand and we love that our clients comment on how fresh and clean our salon is at all times 🙂